New Meeting Date! New Meeting Time! New Meeting Place!
Every Second Sunday, 2:00-3:30 pm
The Stanford Inn
(lobby area)
Park in the lower lot unless you need direct access
Refreshments available for purchase
New Meeting Date! New Meeting Time! New Meeting Place!
Every Second Sunday, 2:00-3:30 pm
The Stanford Inn
(lobby area)
Park in the lower lot unless you need direct access
Refreshments available for purchase
2025 Anthology: Resilience
Anthology Reading – January 12th
The Stanford Inn 2:00-3:30
Prepare to be awed and inspired!
Anthology Reading – January 12th
The Stanford Inn 2:00-3:30
Prepare to be awed and inspired!

Copies of the 2025 Anthology, Resilience, will be available at the meeting. Members receive one complimentary copy – subsequent copies are $12.00
Copies will be available for pick up at WMC member meetings in January, February, and March
(If you need to have your copy mailed, check with Elizabeth Vrenios ([email protected]) for arrangements)
Members, Please check your Member Bio, above.
If you aren’t there or up-to-date, please send a brief bio (50 words) and a headshot to Membership: [email protected].
If you aren’t there or up-to-date, please send a brief bio (50 words) and a headshot to Membership: [email protected].
Join our meeting live on the Facebook page!
People who cannot attend will be able to tune in. Please Log into Facebook to Like and Follow
We are also on Instagram! @writersofthemendocinocoast
People who cannot attend will be able to tune in. Please Log into Facebook to Like and Follow
We are also on Instagram! @writersofthemendocinocoast
Would you like
Do you have newly published writing? Have you received a nomination, award or other notable exposure? Send a short announcement and we’ll add it to the website to help spread the word! [email protected] Welcome to our new members!
Welcome to the New Members who have joined our branch during recent months. Please welcome them when you have the opportunity. Let them know we are happy they’ve chosen to join WMC! Steve Antler, Zida Borcich, Jennifer Norris, Karen Bowers, Larry Felson, Sid Garza-Hillman, Loré McLaren, Blake More, Marylyn Motherbear Scott, Aaron Van Gossen, Audrey Wells, Bethany Yim, Logan Silva, and Kristan Larsen ![]() WMC members Aron Lee Bowe, Susan Lundgren, Donald Shephard, and Karin Uphoff have stories or poems in the current Noyo Review. Click here to read their work.
Call for Writers There are so many stories yet to tell, and they welcome your voice. Articles are 400 to 700 words and can be paired with photos or illustrations usually discovered in their database of 10,000 images. Call the Kelley House curator, Karen McGrath, at 707/937-5791 or email her at [email protected]. ![]() Give yourself permission to write
at least 3-minutes a month by joining The WMC Prompt Group. Instructions and three to four topics are delivered to your email address by moderator, Earlene Gleisner, a self-confessed Prompt Geek. The goal is to inspire and create, while supporting each other. Send your name, phone number, and email to [email protected]. Heartbeat Heartbreak ContestWhat's the Story in Your Heart?
Dear Redwood Writers, As we approach the new year, love stories are brewing in our writing community! The Heartbeat or Heartbreak Contest has already received compelling tales of chance encounters, tender goodbyes, and everything in between. Haven't started writing yet? There's still time to craft your story of love found or lost. Remember, your piece can be:
Want to Volunteer?
Looking for someone to join Robyn Koski at our new venue to help meet and greet members at our monthly meetings contact [email protected] NEW THREE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN
The Writers Club is Reaching Out with all sorts of ideas for future programs. Check it out in our Strategic Plan 2024-2027, available for download below, or on the About section of the main menu. ![]()
Questions? contact: [email protected]
WMC, P O Box 762, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Do you have a topic on the craft of writing to teach at an upcoming meeting for forty-five minutes?
Contact [email protected] The CWC website includes a calendar of monthly meetings for all state branches. Any of our members can attend the meetings of any other branch for free or for the same fee as their membership pays. To view their meeting topics (many are still on Zoom), click on https://calwriters.org/events/.
CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB - FOUNDED in 1909 - The Mendocino Coast branch is proud to share in this legacy. Our intention is to expand the network and provide publishing opportunities for writers. MENDOCINO WRITERS MEET
The THIRD SUNDAY of the month The CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB is a 501(c) (6) educational nonprofit dedicated to educating members and the public-at-large in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work.
California Writers Club: https://calwriters.org/ California Writers Club calendar for other branch's events: https://calwriters.org/events-month SUBSCRIBE TO THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER
Email [email protected] Your email address will never be shared or sold. |