WMC May 2020 Board Meeting
Board and Members Present: Sharon B., Katherine, Doug, Susan, Amie, Nona
Board and Members Absent: Norma, Ginny, Sharon G.
Meeting called to order at 4:38 p.m.
Meeting ended at 5:15 p.m.
Discussion Items and Updates:
Board and Members Present: Sharon B., Katherine, Doug, Susan, Amie, Nona
Board and Members Absent: Norma, Ginny, Sharon G.
Meeting called to order at 4:38 p.m.
Meeting ended at 5:15 p.m.
Discussion Items and Updates:
- Use of Zoom for membership meetings: Doug will co-host, to use his zoom account. Someone needs to monitor the chat feature for recording what’s said, and for questions. Doug looked at membership list and estimated 16 people may not be set up for zoom. Members without computer capabilities or with low bandwith could listen by phone. A test run for members was recommended. Meetings could also be set up privately on YouTube, for members only. Meeting topics might include guest speakers and/or the remaining half of anthology readings.
- Doug will develop a membership survey, including consultation with Amy Lutz and Lisa Locascio. Possible questions: how many members are dial up only? Use cable? Broadband? Responses will be returned to Doug.
- Membership will be notified about anthology submissions, opening June 1.
- June board meeting will be on the regular date, June 2nd, time to be determined.