Hello, and welcome to opportunities to publish your writing whether or not you live on the Mendocino Coast. Please join us!
[email protected] LITERARY REVIEW
published by California Writers Club Submissions accepted from September 1st to October 31st, 2014: Members are invited to submit their published or unpublished work following the guidelines. Submissions are blind-read and work meeting a threshold of quality and interest will be published. read more ... |
October 11th & 15th
EKPHRASIS III Art Describing Art Ten writers have their work interpreted by artists, and ten artists have their work interpreted by writers. Saturday, October 11
The Artists Co-op of Mendocino's Second Saturday party will start at 4:00 p.m. For the gallery exhibit, the written works will be mounted next to the artist’s piece and remain during October. 45270 Main St., above Ocean Quilts, (707) 937-2217. See the Ekphrasis III page for more info. Wednesday, October 15, at the Mendocino Hotel 6:00 p.m. A photograph of the artist’s piece will be projected behind the writer during the readings of their imaginative works. November 19th
Mendocino Hotel 6:00 p.m. Poetry Workshop Led by Maureen Eppstein With an assortment of materials and helpful examples, Maureen Eppstein will show you how to view everyday objects as a poet would. Maureen Eppstein is a poet whose latest chapbook, Earthward, came out last month from Finishing Line Press. Previous collections are Rogue Wave at Glass Beach and Quickening, both published by March Street Press. Her poetry has won many awards and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Members Open MicEach month, when time permits, we'll have two members read their work for 3 minutes each. Put your name in the basket for a drawing at the start of the evening, and another at the end. Please time the reading to stay within the limit.
The Redwood Coast Senior Center's Gazette is accepting submissions: personal recipes, poems, stories, histories, anecdotes, photos, and articles of general interest. Read the Premier Issue, and see page six for more details about writing for the Gazette. With your submission, include a brief description of what you do at the Center. The deadline is the 5th of each month. The March issue is available online, as is the latest, July/Sept 2014 issue.
T H A N K Y O U |
Letter from Josh Weil of July 19th, 2014 with further news of The Great Glass Sea. Josh spoke to our group in September, 2012
Member Maureen Eppstein, announces her New Poetry Collection Earthward.
Good Words is a collection of the best poems, fiction, and nonfiction, written and performed by students attending Creative Writing classes on the coast.
The Spring '14 Good Words is now online. Results of 2014 SMATCHUP: Writers were blindly matched for a collaborative writing project with another writer.
Winter 2012-2013
![]() From 1,700+ members eligible, and of 28 accepted, our branch had 4: Steve Sapontzis, Jan Edwards, Katherine Heimann Brown, and Jay Frankston. CONGRATULATIONS, ALL! Archive: Spring 2012 Inaugural Issue ![]() Vol. 2014 No. 1
Don't have it? email [email protected]
Member Nona Smith has a new book, Stuffed, Emptying the Hoarder's Nest.
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Welcome to the Mendocino Coast branch of the California Writers Club founded in 1909. We are proud to share in this legacy.
The Writers of the Mendocino Coast meet in the Mendocino Hotel at 6:00 pm on the third Wednesday of every month. We host speakers, workshops, open mics and other yet to be discovered events and activities (link to archive.) Our intention is to expand the network and opportunities for writers here on the Mendocino Coast. We hope you'll join us. Writers of the Mendocino Coast
PO Box 762 Fort Bragg, CA 95437
NEW MEMBERS $65 includes $20 initiation fee. More information on the website's Membership page. Membership includes a copy of each of the club's recent anthologies, copies of our state organization's Literary Review magazine, space for member biographies, and opportunities to see your writing in: -The 2015 Anthology Writers of the Mendocino Coast THERMALS, submissions closed September 1, 2014 -The Literary Review is published by the state California Writers Club. More info at www.calwriters.org -The yearly collaboration, Ekphrasis, with the Artists Coop of Mendocino Our second anthology is now available at Gallery Bookshop, in Mendocino, The Bookstore and Vinyl Cafe, and Visit Mendocino, both in Fort Bragg.
Gualala area is Four-Eyed Frog country! GO INDIE ! Members can pick up their copy of the 2014 anthology on the third Wednesday meeting at the Mendocino Hotel. To purchase by mail, send a message to [email protected]. California Writers Club
SF/Peninsula Branch FAULT ZONE / DIVERGE Call For Submissions Deadline August 1st Member NewsWhen your writing is published, receives a nomination or award, or other notable exposure, please send a short announcement to
writersmendocinocoast@gmail.com Member Donald Shephard, has a story, Never Surrender, published in the anthology Let The Clock Run Wild, Wit and Wisdom from Boomers and Bobbysoxers. His story, juxtaposes historical actions in 1940 with a young mother's struggles to deliver a healthy son.
zine |zēn|(also ’zine ) is 1) a magazine, esp. a fanzine. 2) a webzine. Another issue of Is That Baby Vicious is seeking contributors. Talk to Holly Harbinger, denizen of the Mendocino coast.