Welcome to opportunities to publish your writing, whether or not you live on the Mendocino Coast.
Submissions for the 2017 issue of the California Writers Club Literary Review open on September 1st, and close on November 30th, 2016. Guidelines are on our parent organization's website, www.calwriters.org. Members may submit one or two items for $10.
September 15th Mendocino Hotel 6:00 p.m.
OUR BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Believe it! It's been five years since the Mendocino Coast branch received its charter from the California Writers Club, which currently has 21 branches and 2,174 members. THERE WILL BE CAKE! Chet Body will play and probably sing, then our founder, Molly Dwyer, will talk for a few minutes on club history, followed with five minute readings by: CHARLIE FURY, BARBARA MACKAY, DON KIRKPATRICK, LEA CALLAN, FRIEDA FEEN, 2015 recipient of our scholarship to the Mendocino Coast Writers Conference, and BRYANT BURKHARDT, another 2015 recipient of a scholarship to the Mendocino Coast Writers Conference, will attend if the timing of the birth of his first child doesn't interfere. LES CIZEK will do a recitation, a reading, and/or singing! ANNOUNCING THE 2016 CWC LITERARY REVIEW
![]() CWC members should have received the 2016 edition of the CWC Literary Review, an anthology published yearly containing stories, essays, and poetry written by club members. The fifth Review, produced by CWC volunteers, is published by the Central Board, providing an opportunity for member-authors this year to be read by well over two-thousand pairs of eyes.
The submission window for the 2017 issue will open on September 1 this year, 2016 and submission will be accepted through November 30. Guidelines are on the club's website, www.calwriters.org. Members may submit one or two items for $10. Submission details will be on the website soon.
SMATCHUP 2015 Results of eighteen writers blindly matched for a collaborative writing project with another writer. READ 2014 STORIES
See Archives tab above for details
September 15th the branch celebrated its fifth year with member readings, music, and cake!
Welcome to the Mendocino Coast branch of the California Writers Club founded in 1909. We are proud to share in this legacy.
Our intention is to expand the network and opportunities for writers here on the Mendocino Coast.
Writers of the Mendocino Coast
PO Box 762 Fort Bragg, CA 95437 The CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB is a 501(c) (3) educational nonprofit dedicated to educating members and the public-at-large in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work. MEMBERSHIP
NEW MEMBERS $65 includes $20 initiation fee. More information on the website's Membership page. YEARLY RENEWALl is $45. Membership includes a copy of the club's recent anthology, copies of our state organization's Literary Review magazine, space for member biographies, and opportunities to see your writing in: -The 2017 Anthology Writers of the Mendocino Coast MENDOCINO, submissions to open April 1, 2016 and close August 31, 2016 -The Literary Review is published by our parent, California Writers Club. More info at www.calwriters.org -The yearly collaboration, Ekphrasis, with the Artists Coop of Mendocino SPONSORED MEMBERSHIPS
Financial aid is available for membership [email protected] MEMBER WRITING PROJECTS:
Our fourth anthology is available at Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino.
To purchase by mail, send a message to [email protected]. CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB