Prose/Poetry Submission Dates: June 1 through August 31 (midnight)
Photo/Cover Art Deadline – September 1 (midnight)
Check all submission guidelines.
The WMC 2021 anthology Erosion is on our bookshelves and now we’re all looking forward to the 2022 anthology with the theme of "Borders," without an "a." As always, the title can be interpreted loosely. Prose, both fiction and nonfiction, drama, memoir and personal essays as well as poetry will be accepted. Also consider submitting photographs and paintings that echo the anthology's theme and translate well into portrait mode, black and white images. Members in good standing of the Mendocino branch of the California Writers Club as of August 31st are encouraged to submit their work. For writers, there is a two piece maximum and a total limit of 4000 words. Please check all submission guidelines and submit!
Prose/Poetry Submission Dates: June 1 through August 31 (midnight)
Photo/Cover Art Deadline – September 1 (midnight)
Check all submission guidelines.
The WMC 2021 anthology Erosion is on our bookshelves and now we’re all looking forward to the 2022 anthology with the theme of "Borders," without an "a." As always, the title can be interpreted loosely. Prose, both fiction and nonfiction, drama, memoir and personal essays as well as poetry will be accepted. Also consider submitting photographs and paintings that echo the anthology's theme and translate well into portrait mode, black and white images. Members in good standing of the Mendocino branch of the California Writers Club as of August 31st are encouraged to submit their work. For writers, there is a two piece maximum and a total limit of 4000 words. Please check all submission guidelines and submit!
CHARLOTTE GULLICK - BLOG: the spectacular vernacular News: The Invisible String
"It is with incredible gratitude that I share the news that last November American Short Fiction awarded me the Gold Star for Teaching and Mentorship. If you are not familiar with this organization, they are one of the top-notch literary magazines in the country, known for their discerning taste for engaging fiction. It is an incredible honor to be recognized by them, and although I am sharing this news a little belatedly, I couldn't be more proud to be acknowledged for the self I try to bring to my teaching and community-building.
More on this soon! In the meantime, here's a short piece I wrote for ASF: https://americanshortfiction.org/the-invisible-string/americanshortfiction.org/the-invisible-string/"
"It is with incredible gratitude that I share the news that last November American Short Fiction awarded me the Gold Star for Teaching and Mentorship. If you are not familiar with this organization, they are one of the top-notch literary magazines in the country, known for their discerning taste for engaging fiction. It is an incredible honor to be recognized by them, and although I am sharing this news a little belatedly, I couldn't be more proud to be acknowledged for the self I try to bring to my teaching and community-building.
More on this soon! In the meantime, here's a short piece I wrote for ASF: https://americanshortfiction.org/the-invisible-string/americanshortfiction.org/the-invisible-string/"
The California State Library is working with local libraries to collect COVID-19 stories from across the state. Californians of all ages have responded by sending in original essays, poems, photographs, videos and works of art.
If you have writing, artwork, a photo or other documentation of your COVID-19 experience and would like to help record California’s response to this pandemic for future generations, please send it to them. https://coviddiaries.library.ca.gov
If you have writing, artwork, a photo or other documentation of your COVID-19 experience and would like to help record California’s response to this pandemic for future generations, please send it to them. https://coviddiaries.library.ca.gov
On the theme of, "Last Night..." MAY 16th, 3:00 p.m. Readings by writers blindly matched for a collaborative writing project of one page each, where the first starts the piece, and the second writer finishes and titles it. SMATCHUP 2014 SMATCHUP 2015 SMATCHUP 2016 SMATCHUP 2017 SMATCHUP 2018 EKPRASIS 2021 SIGN UPS
Ekphrasis sign ups close at midnight, May 31 or until filled. There are ten slots for writers who initiate art and ten for writers who respond to art. Members should contact Katherine Brown stating which they want to be, an initiator or responder to art. Members must be in good standing as of October 17th to participate. 2021 Ekphrasis Rules Ekphrasis is our annual event of artists responding to artists. Join the fun. WMC and The Artists Co-op of Mendocino join efforts to marry stories and poems to paintings and sculptures. Members will read their work at our October 17th meeting. The Artists Co-op will also have a virtual showing of the artwork beginning on October 1st and be available for on-site viewing during the months following. EKPRASIS 2021 KICKOFF
Readings of 2020 Ekphrasis Entries July 15th "Driven" by Les Cizek "Cabin Fever" by Holly Tannen "Backwords" by Elizabeth Vrenios "Portrait of a Lady" by Nona Smith "Where Poets Meet at the Oddest Hours" by Notty Bumbo "The Child and the Crow" by Norma Watkins "The Story of a Farm" by Priscilla Comen "On My Way West" by Ginny Rorby "Libation" by Leslie Wahlquist "Dopo la Peste" by Doug Fortier "Forests and Families" by Earlene Gleisner Exchange of names, WMC & Artist's Co-op of Mendocino, will happen offline via email This series, presented by the Mendocino Coast Writer's Conference, will focus on revision and generating new material.
Each seminar will be two hours and will include a presentation, resources, and Q&A. Registration is $20 each, $50 for three. Seminars will be hosted through Zoom. More information and registration at MCWC.org. SPECULATIVE POETRY WORKSHOP With Rachelle Cruz SATURDAY, MAY 22, 12-2 PM PDT CARETAKING AND CREATIVE PRACTICE: WRITING INTO REAL LIFE With Sarah McColl SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 12-2 PM PDT PREPARING AND GIVING
PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Tuesday, May 25, 6 p.m. CWC Vice President Roger Lubeck, PhD “Dos and Don’ts of Professional Presentations” Insights for an effective professional presentation based on twenty-five years as a business speaker and workshop leader focused on leadership and management combined with 15 years of teaching university classes on psychology, and 10 years conducting workshops on writing, self-publishing, and book promotion. Roger C. Lubeck, PhD is vice president of the California Writers Club and immediate past president of Redwood Writers. President of It Is What It Is Press. Roger’s publications include: ten novels, two business books, short stories, poems, two contest-winning stories, two produced ten-minute plays. Roger’s blog is http://www.rogerinblue.com. Registration required and made with this link, or by visiting www.hdcwc.com 46th Anniversary * 16th Consecutive Revival
Gordon Black's MENDOCINO SPRING POETRY CELEBRATION Send up to four minutes of audio poetry or prose by May 23rd to [email protected]. Smartphone recordings okay. Pieces will be broadcast in June on Dan Roberts’ RhythmRunningRiver, KZYX radio, Mendocino County Public Broadcasting. Info: Gordon Black, (707) 937-4107, [email protected]. For further encouragement in detail, see Dan’s notes at outfarpress.com/poetry. NOVEMBER 21st, 3:00 p.m.
LINDA WATANABE McFERRIN Details of her talk are unavailable at this time. WMC's November Speaker, Linda Watanabe McFerrin, will teach "Travel Writing for Publication," May 22-23 at the Mendocino Art Center CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS TO
DRAMA ANTHOLOGY WMC member Phil Zwerling and his colleague, Robert Moreira, are working on a Drama in the Time of CoVid-19 anthology to be published in 2022 by FlowerSong Press. They seek dramatic works: short plays, performance pieces, monologues, etc. that speak to the deaths, isolation, social, political, and economic upheaval that have followed in the wake of this pandemic. Go to the SUBMISSIONS PAGE for all the details. Send any questions to Philip Zwerling [email protected]. http://www.philipzwerling.com GOT A MINUTE?
See the current schedule. Mendocino Theatre Company's One-Minute Radio Theatre is a two-minute spot broadcast bi-weekly on KZYX. Collaborate by submitting an original one-minute radio play. All voices to be heard! Plays can be in English or Spanish. No fee for submission nor cash award if your play is chosen; all actors and directors give their time free of charge. Submit your one-minute play* (app. 150-170 words, for 1-3 actors) in the body of an email (no attachments) to [email protected] with the subject MTC One-Minute Play: [Title of your play]. Include your full name, contact information, and a brief, 50-word bio. You may submit as many one-minute plays as you wish, but only one submission per email, please. *NB: Play may not contain the "seven dirty words", which are prohibited by the FCC. Play must be totally original and the author's own work. ![]() Online Poetry
Workshop for Youth Professional poets from throughout California offer creative poetry writing lessons for youth and families. Lessons are free to everyone and require no prep. This online workshop is growing and lessons will continue to be added throughout the pandemic. Click to start writing! POETRY
Rhythm Running River 1st Sunday, 3-4 p.m. and 3rd Sunday 3-5 p.m. on KZYX&Z public radio To listen live: https://www.radiorethink.com/tuner/?stationCode=kzyx For playlists: http://www.outfarpress.com/rrr.html To receive emails from Dan Roberts with links to listen or download, contact Dan at [email protected] POETRY
Cartwheels on the Sky ~ Poets, Poems & Discovery Saturdays 7 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Live on KGUA FM Gualala and live streaming online KGUA.org with host Blake More Show Archive: https://www.bmoreyou.net/musings/ Highlighting a new poet in conversation each week, the show offers fresh, intelligent, living poetry and lively discussions. To be considered for future shows, contact blake@snakelyone.com FORT BRAGG LIBRARY
FIRST THURSDAY OPEN MIC POETRY 7 P.M. Use this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9748647159 Readers should limit themselves to eight minutes, for one to four poems. For more information, contact Dan Hesse, Branch Librarian at [email protected] or 707 / 961-2625. And see FortBraggLibrary.org. UKIAH LIBRARY Loba Poetry Series Last Thursday of the month Format: Virtual Open Reading Registration is required. Please email organizer Melissa Carr (she/her/they) at the Ukiah Library, [email protected], to receive a Zoom link WRITING OPPORTUNITY:
VAN DAMME STATE PARK Volunteers at the Little River Museum have collected pictures and historical accounts that augment the rich history of what ultimately became the park. Members of our branch of the California Writers Club have an opportunity to use these source materials to write a nonfiction book and other monographs. Email the [email protected] for details. SEEKING NONFICTION WRITER
PAID ACCOUNT OF AN ARTIST'S LIFE Seeking writer to produce a nonfiction account of an artist’s life, a contemporary and friend of Dorr Bothwell and Emmy Lou Packard. The artist's son has his artwork and tons of organized reference resources, every story that ever appeared in print about him. Everything is in print on paper—nothing has been scanned. Contact retired Gallery Bookshop bookseller, Katy M. Tahja at [email protected] or 937-5854. ![]() KELLEY HOUSE CALENDAR
Call for Writers There are so many stories yet to tell, and they welcome your voice. Articles are 400 to 700 words and can be paired with photos or illustrations usually discovered in their database of 10,000 images. Call the Kelley House curator, Karen McGrath, at 707/937-5791 or email her at [email protected]. B R A N C H N E W S
STATEWIDE ANTHOLOGY NOW AVAILABLE The High Desert Branch of the California Writers Club collected and compiled fictional stories of pandemics, real or imagined, and has now published its state-wide anthology, SURVIVAL: Tales of Pandemic, which is available at amazon.com as of November 1, 2020. This volume of tales written by members of the century-old California Writers Club is the first anthology of its kind published by the High Desert Branch. |
Links to recordings of select monthly meetings are below. Go to the YouTube channel for all the videos. COVID-19 UPDATE
Until further notice, WMC meetings will be held via Zoom on the third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. There are more than two dozen free Xfinity WiFi hotspots in Fort Bragg. At wifi.xfinity.com, type in an address, city, state, or ZIP Code to find where to access the internet. WELCOME TO THE
CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB - FOUNDED in 1909 - The Mendocino Coast branch is proud to share in this legacy. Our intention is to expand the network and provide publishing opportunities for writers. MENDOCINO WRITERS MEET
ONLINE ON THE THIRD SUNDAY 3:00 Members Receive Invitations Public May Email a Request [email protected] Writers of the Mendocino Coast
PO Box 762 Fort Bragg, CA 95437 The CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB is a 501(c) (3) educational nonprofit dedicated to educating members and the public-at-large in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work. California Writers Club: https://calwriters.org/ CWC Northern Branches: http://cwcnorcalwriters.org/ NorCal Events: http://cwcnorcalwriters.org/events/ SUBSCRIBE TO THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER
Email [email protected] Your email address will never be shared or sold. MEMBERSHIP
NEW MEMBERS See information on the website's Membership page. YEARLY RENEWAL is $45. $25 for dual memberships when a member of another CWC branch. Membership includes a copy of the club's recent anthology, copies of our state organization's Literary Review magazine, space for member biographies, and opportunities to see your writing in: -The annual anthology -The Literary Review published by our parent, California Writers Club. More info at www.calwriters.org -The yearly collaboration, Ekphrasis, with the Artists Co-op of Mendocino -The annual SmatchUp blind matching of two writers on a theme, each writing a single page. SPONSORED MEMBERSHIPS
Financial aid is available for membership [email protected] INTERESTED IN A WRITERS' GROUP / PARTNER
WMC MEMBER SALLIE REYNOLDS Read Sallie's biography on the Member Bio page. Contact her through [email protected]. SEEKING A POETRY WRITERS' GROUP
WMC MEMBER JONATHAN PAZER Joining an existing group is his first choice but he is willing to start another group. Jonathan’s photographs and poetry have appeared at the Mendocino Art Center and are currently on display at the Mendocino Coast Photographers’ Gallery, on N. Franklin St. in Fort Bragg. Contact [email protected] if interested M E M B E R N E W S
Writing newly published, receives a nomination or award, or other notable exposure? Please send a short announcement to writersmendocinocoast@gmail.com ![]() WMC member Phil Zwerling and his colleague Lorenzo Pace have recently published a play entitled "Locked."
Just out from Lamar University Press, the full length play tells the story of an African American family caught up in the ongoing legacy of slavey and racism. Read more about it and order at Amazon or your local independent bookstore. WMC member Nancy Nelson performed her solo show
"Death and the Braided Hair" at the online venue, TheMarsh.org of San Francisco. Scroll to the YouTube option at the bottom of the page. She also performed "Married to Dogs – for Better or Worse" starting at 1:16:28 at the online venue on Dec. 15th. David Ford Class Student Performances A place for writers and performers to easily develop their performances. WMC member Ron Morita's first person news story, "The Old Warrior" appeared in the April 21st issue of the Anderson Valley Advertiser. Written as a two-year history in a letter to the membership, it provides insight into the bitter conflict between Old Timers and permitted cannabis growers in the rural subdivision of 135 ten-acre lots called Rancho Navarro.
If you are interested in joining this Monthly Writing Group, send WMC member Earlene Gleisner an email to [email protected]. Write whatever you want to write, based on a monthly prompt, and share it through a group email process. The group can support each other by adhering to a set of guidelines that Earlene will post monthly when she sends out the prompt.
See Archives tab above for details

Drop in to the library site for the list of recently added books and reviews by WMC member Priscilla Comen.
Welcome to opportunities to publish your writing, whether or not you live on the Mendocino Coast.