The Fort Bragg Unified School District invites all adults in our community to be virtual tutors for children in grades 1-3. To actively help our local teachers and families, use Google Meets to encourage a young child's reading skills. Sign up at the School District Office at 312 S. Lincoln. After free fingerprinting at the Police Department, you'll be assigned a student.
Call Anna Russell at 961-2850 (FBUSD) with questions.
The Fort Bragg Unified School District invites all adults in our community to be virtual tutors for children in grades 1-3. To actively help our local teachers and families, use Google Meets to encourage a young child's reading skills. Sign up at the School District Office at 312 S. Lincoln. After free fingerprinting at the Police Department, you'll be assigned a student.
Call Anna Russell at 961-2850 (FBUSD) with questions.
COVID-19 UPDATE From our branch President:
Until further notice, WMC meetings will be held via Zoom on the third Sunday of the month at 3 p.m. There are more than two dozen free Xfinity WiFi hotspots in Fort Bragg. At, type in an address, city, state, or ZIP Code to find where to access the internet. OCTOBER 18th 3:00
EKPHRASIS IX READINGS Readings of the Ekphrasis pieces by art initiator and art responder writers while the artwork is displayed on screen. Open to the public—Please send request to [email protected] REGISTRATION LINK AVAILABLE VIA EMAIL Must register before each meeting to get the meeting access link. If you haven’t “zoomed” before, you do not have to have a zoom account. Once you register for the meeting, you’ll receive a link to use for the zoom meeting. You just click it. If you don’t have a mic and a camera on your computer, you’ll need to phone in. Phone numbers will also be sent with the Zoom link. AVAILABLE INDEFINITELY ARTIST'S CO-OP VIRTUAL EXHIBITION The Ekphrasis IX 2020 exhibition celebrates the forty member collaboration between the Artists Co-op of Mendocino and the Writers of the Mendocino Coast See a limited presentation of the artwork at the gallery in Mendocino near the intersection of Kasten and Albion Streets. Read the writing associated with the art online. The gallery is now open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and this year's Ekphrasis exhibit is in the gallery until November 2nd. SEPTEMBER 20th
MITALI PERKINS Dialogue: Crafting Conversations in Fiction GOT A MINUTE?
Oct. 6th, "SOMETHING NEW" by WMC member Philip Zwerling They meet on a train See the current schedule. Mendocino Theatre Company's One-Minute Radio Theatre is a two-minute spot broadcast bi-weekly on KZYX. Collaborate by submitting an original one-minute radio play. All voices to be heard! Plays can be in English or Spanish. No fee for submission nor cash award if your play is chosen; all actors and directors give their time free of charge. Submit your one-minute play* (app. 150-170 words, for 1-3 actors) in the body of an email (no attachments) to [email protected] with the subject MTC One-Minute Play: [Title of your play]. Include your full name, contact information, and a brief, 50-word bio. You may submit as many one-minute plays as you wish, but only one submission per email, please. *NB: Play may not contain the "seven dirty words", which are prohibited by the FCC. Play must be totally original and the author's own work. NOVEMBER 15th 3:00
SHARON BOWERS aka ARON LEE BOWE Adding Humor to Your Writing ![]() This workshop will touch on the various elements of humor and give tips on achieving a comic voice in your work. For those who want to learn the basics of joke writing, handouts will be emailed ahead of the Zoom meeting. Those participating will be able to share their favorite joke.
E. B. White said, “Humor is like a frog. You can dissect it, but it tends to die on you.” Don’t let that warning scare you. Analyzing the reasons certain events make us laugh can help your writing. Shakespeare understood that life is funny at least as often as it is tragic. After every sad scene, he brings in the clowns. One sure way to make your writing more appealing is to add a carefully calculated dose of humor. Aron Lee Bowe is an artist, writer and designer of three graphic novels. Her writing has appeared both online and in print publications. Her memoir, Amazed & Elated, Depressed & Deflated won an Independent Publisher Medal for humor. Bowe won the Charles Schultz award and the first place humor prize from the National League of American Pen Women. Must register before each meeting to get the Zoom code Please note that you do not have to have a zoom account. Once you register for the meeting, you’ll receive a link to use for the zoom meeting. You just click it. If you don’t have a mic and a camera on your computer, you’ll need to phone in. Phone numbers will also be sent with the Zoom link. New link to register will be in November 8th newsletter. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ![]() Online Poetry
Workshop for Youth Professional poets from throughout California offer creative poetry writing lessons for youth and families. Lessons are free to everyone and require no prep. This online workshop is growing and lessons will continue to be added throughout the pandemic. Click to start writing! GUALALA COMMUNITY WRITING PROJECT
Mark Gross has started a writing initiative, KGUA Writers, in Gualala in collaboration with Peggy Berryhill's KGUA-FM, 88.3 radio program at 9:00 a.m. on Monday mornings. There is a Facebook Group Page KGUA Writers, and a website The Town That Started Writing. This week's prompt for written submission of 200 words should be sent by October 17th by 5 p.m. , and recorded pieces of one to two minutes length by October 16th, midnight. Send as a new message to Prompt #26. Share something / someone lost, with something special about it / them or thoughts sent to them. See details on our KGUA Writers page. POETRY
Rhythm Running River 1st & 3rd Sunday 2-4 p.m. on KZYX public radio To listen live: For playlists: To receive emails from Dan Roberts with links to listen or download: [email protected] OCTOBER 1st 7 P.M.
FORT BRAGG LIBRARY FIRST THURSDAY OPEN MIC POETRY Use this link Readers should limit themselves to eight minutes, for one to four poems. ![]() In this issue, Mendocino Coast memoirist and WMC member, Alena Guest, surveys the coast's rich writing scene, with profiles of six recently published writers (including herself) and reviews of their divergent, captivating literary offerings.
It also features Gallery Bookshop and our branch of the California Writers Club. WRITING OPPORTUNITY:
VAN DAMME STATE PARK Volunteers at the Little River Museum have collected pictures and historical accounts that augment the rich history of what ultimately became the park. Members of our branch of the California Writers Club have an opportunity to use these source materials to write a nonfiction book and other monographs. Email the [email protected] for details. MEMBER'S COPIES OF ANTHOLOGY, RED SKY
have all been mailed, including those pre-ordered. If members haven't received their copy, please email [email protected] Fran Schwartz has an inventory of cartridges for printers and fax machines no longer in use.
Click here: for the list and email her. ![]() KELLEY HOUSE CALENDAR
Call for Writers There are so many stories yet to tell, and they welcome your voice. Articles are 400 to 700 words and can be paired with photos or illustrations usually discovered in their database of 10,000 images. Call the Kelley House curator, Karen McGrath, at 707/937-5791 or email her at [email protected]. ![]() Drop in to the library site for the list of recently added books and reviews by WMC member Priscilla Comen.
Answer a few questions and express your opinions in this survey. Thanks. WELCOME TO THE
CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB - FOUNDED in 1909 - The Mendocino Coast branch is proud to share in this legacy. Our intention is to expand the network and provide publishing opportunities for writers. MENDOCINO WRITERS MEET
ONLINE ON THE THIRD SUNDAY 3:00 Members Receive Invitations Public May Email a Request [email protected]
Writers of the Mendocino Coast
PO Box 762 Fort Bragg, CA 95437 The CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB is a 501(c) (3) educational nonprofit dedicated to educating members and the public-at-large in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work. California Writers Club: CWC Northern Branches: NorCal Events: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER
Email [email protected] We will never sell or share your email address. MEMBERSHIP
NEW MEMBERS $65 includes $20 initiation fee. More information on the website's Membership page. YEARLY RENEWAL is $45. $25 for dual memberships when a member of another CWC branch. Membership includes a copy of the club's recent anthology, copies of our state organization's Literary Review magazine, space for member biographies, and opportunities to see your writing in: -The annual anthology -The Literary Review published by our parent, California Writers Club. More info at -The yearly collaboration, Ekphrasis, with the Artists Co-op of Mendocino -The annual SmatchUp blind matching of two writers on a theme, each writing a single page. SPONSORED MEMBERSHIPS
Financial aid is available for membership [email protected] WMC member Clare Zwerling is interested in joining or forming a poetry group—[email protected]
FROM CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB BRANCHES WORKSHOPS AND PRESENTATIONS VIA ZOOM CWC Berkeley - No current newsletter Presentation Oct. 18th "The Amazing Life of Feisty Ina Coolbrith, America's First Poet Laureate" $5 Central Coast Writers - Oct. '20 Newsletter Workshop Oct. 24th "About Being An Author" Free Discussion Nov. 17th Alka Joshi The Henna Artist Free Coastal Dunes CWC - No current newsletter East Sierra Ridge Writers - No current newsletter CWC Fremont Area Writers - Aug '20 Newsletter High Desert CWC - Sept '20 Newsletter Inland Empire CWC - Oct. '20 Newsletter Presentation Oct. 24th "Poetry and a Discussion on Form" Cal Writers Long Beach - No current newsletter CWC Marin - No current newsletter Presentation Oct. 25th "Creating Life-like Characters with a Little Help from Psychology and Personality Testing" CWC-Mount Diablo - Sept '20 Newsletter Napa Valley Writers - Sept '20 Newsletter unavailable North State Writers - Sept '20 Newsletter Cal Writers Orange County - No current newsletter Redwood Writers - Oct. '20 Newsletter Presentation Oct. 17th Derek Moore "Fade Out: The End of the Free Press in America" Sacramento Writers - Sept '20 Newsletter Presentation Oct. 17th Grant Faulkner "Micro-Fiction, The Art of Brevity" San Fernando Valley Writers - Oct. '20 Newsletter CWC SF Peninsula - Oct. '20 Newsletter Presentation Oct. 17th "The Gentle Art of Column Writing" Oct. 21st "Author Skills - Making Monsters" San Joaquin Valley Writers - No current newsletter South Bay Writers - No current newsletter Tri-Valley Writers - Oct '20 Newsletter Presentation Oct. 17th “Websites that Wow Readers…How to Create or Update Your Online Home” $7 Writers of Kern - Oct '20 Newsletter Presentation Oct. 17th “Memoir: The Art of Questioning Everything” [Presentation Sept. 19th "Building Character" on YouTube start at 23:45 mark] M E M B E R N E W S
Writing newly published, receives a nomination or award, or other notable exposure? Please send a short announcement to ![]() WMC member windflower has a poem and photograph published in the October issue of Tiny Seed Journal, in the category Through the Eyes of Nature.
WMC member Ron Morita's article "Fear and Loathing in Rancho Navarro" in the October 7th Anderson Valley Advertiser is a news story and commentary about the cannabis controversy in Anderson Valley.
![]() Sunday Oct. 25, 2020. 3 p.m.
A virtual book launch party hosted by Gallery Bookshop. Join Karen for poems, friendly community inspiration. Q & A. Please register for Zoom link. Her poem "Chaco Canyon" appears in the 2021 Women Artists Datebook from Syracuse Cultural Workers. Karen is available to customize a virtual writing workshop for one or small groups of any age. [email protected] WMC member Karen Lewis has announced a new poetry chapbook, Peace Maps, now available from Finishing Line Press. These poems span a wide geography, places she's lived, traveled, or imagined. Themes include motherhood, deep ecology, love, loss, endurance, unity, hope. "Poets are like cartographers" says Karen K. Lewis in Peace Maps. Through landscapes plagued by violence, drought, and plastic trash, "Fragments of poems remain, like tourniquets [ ] to mend our fatal hemorrhage / of despair." She maps each poem to a specific place on earth, not only with discreet latitude and longitude coordinates, but also with love for the beings, human, animal and vegetable, that make a home there, and for the land itself. ~ Maureen Eppstein, author of Horizon Line and Earthward Order Peace Maps from Finishing Line Press ROLLING RECAP OF MONTHLY MEETINGS
See Archives tab above for details
Welcome to opportunities to publish your writing, whether or not you live on the Mendocino Coast.