Hello, and welcome to opportunities to publish your writing, whether or not you live on the Mendocino Coast.
![]() JANUARY 21ST Mendocino Hotel 6:00 p.m. READINGS FROM 2016 ANTHOLOGY, LUMINESCENCE Maureen Eppstein, Catherine Marshall, Patty Joslyn, Nancy Nelson-Wallace, Jay Frankston, Nona Smith, Alena Deerwater, Robyn Koski, Tansy Chapman, Molly Dwyer, Leslie Wahlquist, Cristie Holliday, Zelda Zuniga Remaining writers read on March 17th at the anthology release party. MENDOCINO ART CENTER - WRITING CLASSES
Members of MAC get a 10% discount and members of CWC/Mendocino get another 10%.
"Healdsburg author Jean Hegland's book Into the Forest
headed to the big screen" Read the Santa Rosa Press Democrat's article ![]() SUCCESSFUL WORKSHOP JANUARY 9TH
BY WRITER JEAN HEGLAND - 27 ATTENDEES Almost every successful story is fueled by conflict. This workshop used brief lectures, lively discussions, and supportive writing exercises to explore how writers of fiction and memoir can take full advantage of the opportunities for storytelling, plot formation, and character development that conflict provides. Malcolm has a book signing/reading event coming up at Gallery Bookshop on Saturday, January 16th at 6:30 p.m.
His event at Four-Eyed Frog Books in Gualala will be rescheduled.
Read Shirin's bio at her award-winning publishing company, Goose Bottom Books
On the Fort Bragg campus, Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4:00 in room 112 Guest speakers every other week, with roundtable discussions between. We will break until mid-January. Please sit in and spread the word to fellow writers. Frieda Feen, Club President COMMUNITY EXTENSION CLASS - IMAGINATIVE WRITING
Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., February 27th to May 7th. The cost is $125, but if you have a BOG waiver, see Katherine Brown, and do NOT register online or call Patti). A community extension class does not give college credit. To sign up, go to the Mendocino College website at http://www.mendocino.edu/academics/community-extension-program or call Patti in Ukiah at 707-468-3236. She will get your payment information. Questions? Email Katherine Brown at kbrown@mendocino.edu SEND YOUR WRITING TO SENIOR CENTER GAZETTE
Hi Everyone, I'm starting to put together future issues of the Senior Center Gazette, and would love to get new material. Thanks in advance, Rick. Rick Banker, Editor, Redwood Coast Senior Center Gazette [email protected]
SMATCHUP 2015 Results of eighteen writers blindly matched for a collaborative writing project with another writer. READ 2014 STORIES
Writing newly published, receives a nomination or award, or other notable exposure? Please send a short announcement to writersmendocinocoast@gmail.com A chapter from member Catherine Marshall's memoir, The Easter Moose: One Family's Journey Adopting through Foster Care, is included in the just released anthology, Tales of Our Lives edited and published by WomensMemoirs.com. "Lost in the Haight" is included in the Reflection Pond section of this two volume e-book offered on Amazon
Member John Fremont's book, Comedy of Terror, won the BAIPA for FICTION. http://baipa.org/2015-baipa-book-award-winners/
Welcome to the Mendocino Coast branch of the California Writers Club founded in 1909. We are proud to share in this legacy.
Our intention is to expand the network and opportunities for writers here on the Mendocino Coast.
Writers of the Mendocino Coast
PO Box 762 Fort Bragg, CA 95437 The CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB is a 501(c) (3) educational nonprofit dedicated to educating members and the public-at-large in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work. MEMBERSHIP
NEW MEMBERS $65 includes $20 initiation fee. More information on the website's Membership page. Yearly renewal is $45. Membership includes a copy of the club's recent anthology, copies of our state organization's Literary Review magazine, space for member biographies, and opportunities to see your writing in: -The 2017 Anthology Writers of the Mendocino Coast MENDOCINO, submissions to open April 1, 2016 and close August 31, 2016 -The Literary Review is published by our parent, California Writers Club. More info at www.calwriters.org -The yearly collaboration, Ekphrasis, with the Artists Coop of Mendocino SPONSORED MEMBERSHIPS
Financial aid is available for membership [email protected] MEMBER WRITING PROJECTS:
![]() Our third anthology is available at Gallery Bookshop, in Mendocino, The Bookstore and Vinyl Cafe, and Visit Mendocino, both in Fort Bragg. Gualala area is Four-Eyed Frog country! GO INDIE !
To purchase by mail, send a message to [email protected]. CALIFORNIA WRITERS CLUB