Theme: Mendocino stories and poetry of the history, the people,
what brings it together, and what makes it special
what brings it together, and what makes it special
Prose/Poetry Submission Dates: Opened April 1– Closes August 31 (midnight)
Photo/Cover Art Deadline – September 30 (midnight)
Photo/Cover Art Deadline – September 30 (midnight)
Prose/Poetry/Nonfiction Entry Rules:
Previously UNPUBLISHED work only please.
Send all Prose, Fiction and Nonfiction, and poetry entries as at attachment in .doc, .docx, .rtf to Molly Dwyer at [email protected] (see rules above)
Send all Artwork / Photo entries to Doug Fortier [email protected]
(see rules below)
Photo submissions requirements:
For Cover Photos:
- Must be a CWC-Mendocino member
- To enter, writers will submit up to two pieces in the poem, fiction, or nonfiction category (any combination) with a combined word count of the pieces not to exceed a total of 4,000 words (i.e. one poem at 800 words and one fiction piece at 3.200 words).
- The pages must have one inch margins and the writer will use a 12 pt. font (i.e. serif font preferred for prose----Times New Roman, Bookman Old Style, Baskerville, etc.)
- Double space prose pieces
- Must use a .rtf, .doc or .docx format (NO .pdf or .odt or .dat or others please—these will be returned)
- DO NOT put your name anywhere on the piece itself
- Send the piece as an attachment—your cover e-mail will state the genre type, word count, and name of piece)
- Paginate prose pieces with the title and page number (again, your name should not appear)
- DO NOT include any audio or visual with your piece. The piece must stand alone.
Previously UNPUBLISHED work only please.
Send all Prose, Fiction and Nonfiction, and poetry entries as at attachment in .doc, .docx, .rtf to Molly Dwyer at [email protected] (see rules above)
Send all Artwork / Photo entries to Doug Fortier [email protected]
(see rules below)
Photo submissions requirements:
For Cover Photos:
- Contributor must own the rights to reproduce the image
- Digital submissions only
- Include written photo title or physical location
- Watermark or other labeling on the photo should be removed
- High resolution (300 dpi is enough),
- Appropriate for the theme
- Black/white for inside photos (send all as attachment in an email for initial review)
- Best in matching series of 8-10