2021 Anthology Submission Guidelines
Theme: Erosion
This can be interpreted loosely
Prose/Poetry Submission Dates: June 1 through August 31 (midnight)
Photo/Cover Art Deadline – September 1 (midnight)
Theme: Erosion
This can be interpreted loosely
Prose/Poetry Submission Dates: June 1 through August 31 (midnight)
Photo/Cover Art Deadline – September 1 (midnight)
Prose/Poetry/Nonfiction Entry Rules:
Who Can Submit:
What to Submit:
Submission Guidelines:
Photo submission requirements:
For Cover Photos:
Send artwork entries to Doug Fortier at [email protected]
Who Can Submit:
- Must be a California Writers Club, Mendocino branch, member in good standing at the time of submission
What to Submit:
- Prose (fiction, nonfiction, drama) or poetry, two pieces maximum, and two pieces combined cannot exceed 4,000 words.
- Send only publishing-ready pieces. Edit yourself for grammar, punctuation, and development BEFORE you send out. THIS IS IMPORTANT—THANKS.
Submission Guidelines:
- The pages must have one-inch margins and the writer will use a 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
- Double-space prose pieces
- Must use a .RTF, .DOC or .DOCX format (NO .PDF, .ODT, .DAT or others. The submission will be returned.)
- DO NOT put your name anywhere on the piece itself. That information goes in the e-mail that has the piece attached.
- Please don’t include page numbers or headers in your submission.
- Each piece sent must be in separate e-mails. Send the piece as an attachment—your cover email will state the genre type, word count, and name of the piece. Again, send a separate email with each piece entry.
- ALSO, include an attachment with a 50 word maximum biography in 3rd person.
- DO NOT include any audio or visual with your piece. The piece must stand alone.
- UNPUBLISHED work only will be accepted. Self-published books counts as published.
- E-mail the pieces with "Erosion Submission" in the subject line to the 2021 anthology editor, Nona Smith, at [email protected].
Photo submission requirements:
- The contributor must own the rights to reproduce the image
- Digital submissions only
- Include written photo title or physical location
- Watermark or other labeling on the photo should be removed
- High resolution (300 dpi is enough)
- Appropriate for the theme
- The photo will be printed without color. Color submissions accepted.
- Best in matching series of 8-10
For Cover Photos:
- Color with images/patterns that are very dark or light (the image needs areas for text placement, like sky and/or water)
- Landscape orientation for continuous front to back cover photos
- Portrait orientation for front cover photos under the title
Send artwork entries to Doug Fortier at [email protected]