EKPHRASIS : Art Describing Art : 2015
California Writers Club, Mendocino Branch : A Collaboration : Artists Co-Op of Mendocino
Writers Responding to Visual Artworks
Maureen Eppstein “Sand Dollar”
Responded to visual artwork by
Marian DeGloria “Two Sides of a Sand Dollar”
"Sand Dollars" by Maureen Eppstein
Dave’s announcement still battered her mind with a force hard as the wave that pounded up the beach toward her. Ann staggered again, remembering. A tongue of water surged round her feet, then receded, leaving its wrack on the tide line: crab body parts tangled in seaweed, flecks of dirty yellow foam, bedraggled feathers. Broken sand dollars littered wet sand. They’re like me, Ann thought: wrenched from their lives and smashed apart. She picked one up. The top was stove in, the creature who lived there long since perished. The fragment that remained held part of a pattern. Intrigued, she scanned the sand more closely. A few steps away was a large sand dollar, whole on the top surface and, miraculously, underneath as well. The delicate pattern of tiny holes looked like the opening petals of a flower. She gazed at it for a long time.
Dave’s announcement still battered her mind with a force hard as the wave that pounded up the beach toward her. Ann staggered again, remembering. A tongue of water surged round her feet, then receded, leaving its wrack on the tide line: crab body parts tangled in seaweed, flecks of dirty yellow foam, bedraggled feathers. Broken sand dollars littered wet sand. They’re like me, Ann thought: wrenched from their lives and smashed apart. She picked one up. The top was stove in, the creature who lived there long since perished. The fragment that remained held part of a pattern. Intrigued, she scanned the sand more closely. A few steps away was a large sand dollar, whole on the top surface and, miraculously, underneath as well. The delicate pattern of tiny holes looked like the opening petals of a flower. She gazed at it for a long time.