Writers Providing Works for Visual Artists Responses
Harriet Gleeson Chet Boddy Ginny Rorby Karen Lewis Robyn Koski Norma Watkins Marylyn Motherbear Scott Lea Callan Nancy McLelland Holly Tannen Writers Responding to Visual Artworks Henri Bensussen Nona Smith Zelda Zuniga Priscilla Comen Doug Fortier Patty Joslyn Barbara MacKay Maureen Eppstein Nancy Wallace-Nelson Leslie Wahlquist |
EKPHRASIS : Art Describing Art : 2015
California Writers Club, Mendocino Branch : A Collaboration : Artists Co-Op of Mendocino Writers Providing Works for Visual Artists ResponsesHarriet Gleeson “Who is the Fisherwoman” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Pat Scott “Torn” Chet Boddy“A Passion for Paper” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Joe DuVivier “Nightlife” Ginny Rorby “Leavening” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Lynne Zickerman “Baking Bread Dreams and Wishes” Karen Lewis “Archipelago” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Karen Reynolds “Safe” Robyn Koski “Sympathy for the Devil” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Karen Cahill “Get Off My Cloud” Norma Watkins “Raised by Apes” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Lynne Whiting Robertson “Tarzan and the Apes” Marylyn Motherbear Scott “Words” A Part of Life’s Journey Provided work for the responding visual artist, Claire Fortier “Wonder, Magic, Laughter” Lea Callan “The Piper” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Bob Rhoades “Tartan Tale” Nancy McLelland “Your Life is Scattered on the Lawn” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Shanti Balsé “There’s Something about Memories...” Holly Tannen “Listen to the Dinosaurs” Provided work for the responding visual artist, Janet Self “Feathered” Writers Responding to Visual Artworks Henri Bensussen “Arrested Motion” Responded to visual artwork by Jessica Jade Norris “Wading and Waiting” Nona Smith “Summer of Liam and Dora” Responded to visual artwork by Shanti Benoit “This Sickness” Zelda Zuniga “A Child Dreams of Peace” Responded to visual artwork by Ellen Boulanger “Farm Along the River” Priscilla Comen “A Japanese Life” Responded to visual artwork by Lynne Butler “Geisha” Doug Fortier “Winning Smile” Responded to visual artwork by Debra Beck Lennox “American Soldier in Korea” Patty Joslyn “Oh My” Responded to visual artwork by David Linkhart “In Good Hands” Barbara MacKay “Mirrored Self” Responded to visual artwork by Karen Bowers “Moment” Maureen Eppstein “Sand Dollar” Responded to visual artwork by Marian DeGloria “Two Sides of a Sand Dollar” Nancy Wallace-Nelson “Aldea Alba in Flight” Responded to visual artwork by Pat Toth-Smith “Egret Ah Glow” Leslie Wahlquist “Meadow Day” Responded to visual artwork by Kathy Carl “Lady Bubble Fish” Ekphrasis IV 2015 “Art Describing Art” Collaboration of the Writers of the Mendocino Coast and the Artists’ Co-Op of Mendocino |