EKPHRASIS : Art Describing Art : 2015
California Writers Club, Mendocino Branch : A Collaboration : Artists Co-Op of Mendocino
Writers Providing Works for Visual Artists Responses
Marylyn Motherbear Scott “Words” A Part of Life’s Journey
Provided work for the responding visual artist,
Claire Fortier “Wonder, Magic, Laughter”
Words by Marylyn Motherbear Scott
hard to come by today,
fall out of yesterday,
into parts of me,
onto the body of us,
and reside. They
sink into the hot tub,
swing in the hammock,
make love in the garden,
walk pathways, in and out.
fall into pillows, onto arms, into the couch, chairs, stay and relax, feel the revery, seven candles burning. Stand in the kitchen, the magic kitchen; your image etched, cooking up a work of art. Words, setting the table. Pretty plates, cloth napkins. Small dishes. Condiments. Chalices and tall clear glasses. Wine bottles, one with pure water; the other, deep red Syrah. Each time we sit, candles lit with prayers, we speak. Words for us, for lineage, for kids, for the world. Words, so full of love there is nothing more to do. Just be. In wonder. Tears pour out, a winter stream released. Laughter bubbles up. A hidden child of us waits, jumps out of our darkness. In scared surprise, we find ourSelf. |