S h a r o n G i l l i g a n & S a r a h G i n s k e y
What It Is
Are they floating up or falling down? Were they flung aloft or sucked to earth? The circles sink like heavy snow Or waft like wind-borne seeds.
The sky glows red with waning sun, Or greets the morn with coral kiss. The color seethes with unchecked rage, Or sings with raucous glee.
Blue slips in to share the joy Or lend its icy touch to cool the heat. One full-length path strikes through the scene One stunted shaft ends short of mark.
In life as well we yearn to know What is up and what is down. Should we rant for what we've lost, Or revel in each joy however small.
When we look we see ourselves Buoyed by hope or felled by pain. Bathed in mirth or choked by wrath We must write who we become.